Thursday, May 17, 2007

Things Are Looking Up

I've had two good two days--yesterday and today. I made a sale yesterday and today a pair of my earrings is in another JET Treasury. I can see that joining that particular street team is making a difference in how much exposure my jewelry gets. Now I'm starting to think about re-doing some of my photos to make an even greater impact. That will be a lot of work, though.

I am still confused about the new postal rates, although I read the info on the post office web site, read the info on PayPal, and talked to someone at the main post office. I like to mail in bubble envelopes--the 5" x 8" ones. I'm still not sure whether they are considered first class parcels or large envelopes. Have you ever tried to measure the thickness of a bubble envelope containing a pair of lampwork bead earrings? It's not the easiest thing to do!

I wanted to try out PayPal to print the label, but I kept getting an error message that my envelope/parcel needed to be a minimum of 1 ounce and I had only .8 oz. I ended up at the post office and paid $1.13 for the first class postage and $.75 for the delivery confirmation. I hope I can get PayPal to work next time because it's only $.17 or $.18 cents for delivery confirmation. I'll look at a couple of sites I bookmarked and see if it becomes any clearer. I did raise my shipping and handling $.50, which should cover any increases.

I'm looking forward to the weekend so I can spend some time working on photos and new listings for my shop. Hope my good luck continues!

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